When executing specs on protractor, I have noticed that some of my conditions when failed, the spec is marked as pass but it should fail. I'm probably doing something wrong with my async/await method and need someone to point out to me why I'm not getting the spec as fail and how to fix it.
static async SelectDocument(){
let docXpath = 'this is an error on purpose. it is not showing as fail in the specs. Why?';
let docElement = element(by.xpath(docXpath));
await browser.wait(.EC.vidibilityOf(docElement),3000);//code stops here but spec is not mark as fail.
await browser.sleep(1000);
await logger.log().error(e)}
Thanks to @Gaurav Lad, I was able to come with a solution.
I was not aware that as mentioned by him above: "Script reports failure on any Assertion failure and not statement failure."
Thanks to this comment I was able to wrap the expected condition of visibility and then make an assertion that successfully fails the spec. No more silent errors on my tests!.
static async ExpectVisibilityByElement(Elem: ElementFinder, waitTime?: number) {
let wait = 3000
if (waitTime != undefined) {
wait = waitTime;
let output;
let errorObject;
try {
await browser.wait(EC.visibilityOf(Elem), wait);
await logger.Log().info("Element " + Elem.locator() + " is visible.");
output = true;
} catch (error) {
output = false;
errorObject = error;
await logger.Log().error(error);
expect(output).toBe(true,Elem.locator()+ 'is not visible.')
if(!output) {
await logger.Log().error('SPEC FAILED. The rest of the spec will not be excecuted.');
throw errorObject.name +': '+ errorObject.message;