I need to update around 0.5 million rows in oracle sql but I am getting below error when i tried for just 2 rows .I am not understanding as to where I am going wrong .
Error :
cx_Oracle.DatabaseError: ORA-01036: illegal variable name/number
MY code:
bind_update_chunks = [bind_update[x:x+insert_batch_size] for x in range(0, len(bind_update), insert_batch_size)]
for insert_chunk in bind_update_chunks:
_updatequery="update UCIDBA.client_code_dtls set ccd_aadhaar_seeding_status = 'N',CCD_LST_MOD_BY='SYSTEM',CCD_LST_MOD_DT=SYSDATE where CCD_PAN_NO= :1"
logging.info("UpdateDBWith_Y:->Update Query : |" +updatequery)
return True
except Exception as e :
logging.exception("UpdateDBWith_Y:->: |")
return False
In your example you have one bind variable (:1
) but you have two pieces of data in each row. Adjust the SQL to include a second bind variable (:2
) or adjust your data to only supply one piece of data.
I agree that the error message is a little unhelpful. Efforts are underway to address that for a future release!