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NodeJS async class with singleton design pattern

Problem: Implement the singleton design pattern with async calls in the class. I can't get the values when i import the module into a second file.

Case: Eventually i want to implement this logic for a bearer token update when it expires. I have multiple functions that relies on the token. So when i get a 403 i will update the token and all the other function have acces to this updated token as well.

Script 1:

import axios from "axios";

async function getJson(n) {
  const req = await axios.get(

class Todo {
  constructor() {
    if (Todo.instance == null) {
      Todo.instance = this;
    return Todo.instance;

  async init() {
    this.title = await getJson(1);

  async updateTodo(n) {
    this.title = await getJson(n);

  getTodo() {
    return this.title;

const todo = await new Todo().init();

export default todo;

Script 2:

const todo = await import('./File1.js');

console.log(todo); //[Module: null prototype] { default: [AsyncFunction (anonymous)] }
todo.updateTodo(3) //TypeError: todo.updateTodo is not a function

Script 2.1:

import todo from './File1.js';
await todo.init();

await todo.updateTodo(2)


  • Dynamic imports are different from regular imports. When you do:

    import module from "./module.js";

    module will be equal to the default export, something like:

    // module.js
    export default function module() {
      // do something

    In dynamic imports (import()), however, you have to manually access the default export:

    const importModule = await import("./module.js");
    const module = importModule.default;
    module(); // default export module

    So in your code you would be doing:
