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Floating point inconsistencies after upgrading libc/libm

I recently upgraded my OS from Debian 9 to Debian 11. I have a bunch of servers running a simulation and one subset produces a certain result and another subset produces a different result. This did not used to happen with Debian 9. I have produced a minimal failing example:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

int main()
  double lp = 11.525775909423828;
  double ap = exp(lp);

  printf("%.14f %.14f\n", lp, ap);

  return 0;

The lp value prints the same answer on every machine but I have two different answers for ap: 101293.33662281210127 and 101293.33662281208672

The code was compiled with "gcc fptest.c -lm -O0". The '-O0' was just added to ensure optimizations weren't an issue. It behaves the same without this option.

The libraries linked in the Debian 11 version are and

The libraries linked in the (working) Debian 9 version are and

The servers are all running with different CPUs so its hard to say much about that. But I get different results between a xeon E5-2695 v2 and a xeon E5-2695 v3 for example.

Amongst all the processors I have, I only see one of these two results on Debian 11, and when running on Debian 9 I consistently only get one result.

This feels like a bug in libm-2.31 and/or libc-2.31 to me. I have zero experience with this sort of thing. Could someone please explain if what I am seeing is expected? Does it look like a bug? Anything I can do about it? etc.

Also tried compiling with clang, and get the exact same problem.

Also note that the binary compiled on Debian 9 runs on Debian 11 and produces the same results/problem as the Debian 11 binary adding further weight to my suspicion that this is library related (I cannot run the Debian 11 binary on Debian 9).


Just read this post which was helpful. So I'm happy that different architectures may give different results for the exp() function. But all my processors are x86_64 and some kind of intel xeon-xxxx. I can't understand why the exact same binary with the exact same libraries is giving different results on different processors.

As suggested in that post I printed the values using %a. The two answers differ only by the LSB. If I use expl() I get the same answer on all machines.

An explanation of why I'm seeing differences, and if this is expected, would be nice. Any compiler flags that ensure consistency would also be nice.


  • Background

    Some notes to clarify the results of e11.5257759094238_28.

    11.5257759094238_28 is not exactly representable as a double, instead a nearby value of 0x1.70d328p+3 is used or exactly 11.5257759094238_28125, so we really are investigating e11.5257759094238_28125 and how well exp() performs.

    We have 3 results, 2 from various compilers exp() and a 3rd mathematical one . The 2 C code answers are 1 ULP apart and the math one is between them,

                                                  0072831    difference from math
    0x1.8bad562ce9a10      p+16  101293.336622812 0867163... OP's smaller answer
    0x1.8bad562ce9a10802...p+16  101293.336622812 0939994... Math
    0x1.8bad562ce9a11      p+16  101293.336622812 1012682... OP's larger answer
                                                  0072688    difference from math

    The math answer is very nearly half way between the two representable doubles with the larger of OP's answers being 1/1000 ULP closer.

    Candidate contributors to a difference

    • User code and math libraries are not as exactly the same as OP supposes. (IMO - most likely)

    • Code uses the processors' built in e(x) hardware primitives instruction and those render different answers. (possible)

    • Inherited rounding modes are not the same (doubtful)

    Getting consistent answers - to the last bit - is quite challenging in this case. A common issue is that newer processor and support libraries tend to render better answers than before. This is part of the Table-maker's_dilemma and test code should be tolerant of these minute (<= 1.0 ULP) differences in transcendental functions like exp().

    Note that using long double may not help as some implementations have long double encoding exactly as double.