I am passing a List<String>
that are item ids in a request. I need to get only items that ids are in a list. Basically, I send you a list of product ids and MongoDB should return a List<Product>
. I thought it would be something built in, but I cannot achieve it.
I have tried something with aggregate, evaluate etc., but I cannot find a way. I thought it could be as simple as:
override suspend fun getProductsById(input: List<String>): List<Product> {
return productsCollection.aggregate<Product>(
match(Product::_id in input)
There is no way in my understanding, but I must be wrong as this, I assume, is like a core feature that a simple API should allow.
Probably I could just do a 2008 style with looping through a List<String>
and just requesting a product one by one with:
productsCollection.findOne(Product::_id eq itemId)
However, I don't think I should run several requests, this seems as a very wrong idea.
It works with:
productCollection.find(Product::_id `in` ids)
The in
keyword is reserved for the for loop.