I've written a code in order to find a specific situation as shown below; (if a crossover/crossunder of 2 situations were true in 15mintues candles, then find candles with the same situation in 5 minutes.
here's the code:
indicator(title=" TRY ___???", overlay=true)
smoothK = input.int(3, "K", minval=1)
smoothD = input.int(3, "D", minval=1)
lengthRSI = input.int(14, "RSI Length", minval=1)
lengthStoch = input.int(14, "Stochastic Length", minval=1)
src = input(close, title="RSI Source")
rsi1 = ta.rsi(src, lengthRSI)
k = ta.sma(ta.stoch(rsi1, rsi1, rsi1, lengthStoch), smoothK)
d = ta.sma(k, smoothD)
//plot(k, "K", color=#2962FF)
//plot(d, "D", color=#FF6D00)
//h0 = hline(80, "Upper Band", color=#787B86)
//h1 = hline(20, "Lower Band", color=#787B86)
//fill(h0, h1, color=color.rgb(33, 150, 243, 90), title="Background")
len = input.int(9, minval=1, title="Length")
high_ = ta.highest(hl2, len)
low_ = ta.lowest(hl2, len)
round_(val) => val > .99 ? .999 : val < -.99 ? -.999 : val
value = 0.0
value := round_(.66 * ((hl2 - low_) / (high_ - low_) - .5) + .67 * nz(value[1]))
fish1 = 0.0
fish1 := .5 * math.log((1 + value) / (1 - value)) + .5 * nz(fish1[1])
fish2 = fish1[1]
//hline(1.5, "1.5", color=#E91E63)
//hline(0.75,"0.75", color=#787B86)
//hline(0, "0", color=#E91E63)
//hline(-0.75, "-0.75", color=#787B86)
//hline(-1.5, "-1.5", color=#E91E63)
//plot(fish1, color=#2962FF, title="Fisher")
//plot(fish2, color=#FF6D00, title="Trigger")
[fish1_15,fish2_15] = request.security('','15',[fish1,fish2])
[k_15,d_15] = request.security('','15',[k,d])
[fish1_5,fish2_5] = request.security('','5',[fish1,fish2])
[k_5,d_5] = request.security('','5',[k,d])
buy_signal = if ta.crossover(fish1_15,fish2_15) and ta.crossover(k_15,d_15)
ta.crossover(fish1_5,fish2_5) and ta.crossover(k_5,d_5)
plotshape(buy_signal, style= shape.labelup, location= location.belowbar ,color= color.green, textcolor= color.white, text = "buy" )
sell_signal = if ta.crossunder(fish1_15,fish2_15) and ta.crossunder(k_15,d_15)
ta.crossunder(fish1_5,fish2_5) and ta.crossunder(k_5,d_5)
plotshape(sell_signal, style= shape.labeldown, location= location.abovebar ,color= color.red, textcolor= color.white, text = "sell" )
and here's the error: //line 41: Cannot use a mutable variable as an argument of the request.security function.
I would like to know if anyone can help me with this.
Those lines
value = 0.0
value := round_(.66 * ((hl2 - low_) / (high_ - low_) - .5) + .67 * nz(value[1]))
fish1 = 0.0
fish1 := .5 * math.log((1 + value) / (1 - value)) + .5 * nz(fish1[1])
fish2 = fish1[1]
are logically incorrect. Probably you're meant to code it like this:
v1 = round_(.66 * ((hl2 - low_) / (high_ - low_) - .5) + .67)
value = v1 * nz(v1[1])
f1 = .5 * math.log((1 + value) / (1 - value)) + .5
fish1 = f1 * nz(f1[1])
fish2 = fish1[1]
As for the error, variables which have been first declared, then reassigned using :=, are called mutable variables.
Mutable variable may be changed inside any scope of the script.
The security
function creates another chart scope, 'sucking' inside all of the declared variables from the script. It cannot 'suck' mutable variables, because they values can be changed somewhere else.