I have set this duration for lists on Windows over the setting 'demuxer', however the android version does not contain this option.
I'm actually creating the list dynamically over a php file in a server, so it looks like this:
#EXTM3U #EXTINF:-1, image1.png #EXTINF:-1, video1.m4v
So I wonder if there is an option in android to make images (not videos) display over a minute and if there is no such option, maybe I can add something to the list to make images display longer?
I have seen a tutorial for the list to use 1000 but it is a tag based language (html?), which seems not to be the case of my list. (link to tutorial: http://chris-reilly.org/blog/vlc-slideshow-duration/)
It is worth mentioning that in the Android version there is a small input for VLClib, but I was unable to find anything related to what I'm looking for.
Any help will be appreciated.
The answer is #EXTVLCOPT:image-duration=100 after each image file. (change 100 for the number of seconds.