struct Student{
var rollNum : Int
var name : String
var contact : Contact
struct Contact{
var phoneNum : String
var mailId : String
let contact = Contact(phoneNum : "1234567890", mailId : "")
let student = Student(rollNum : 1, name : "John", contact : contact)
Here, the path for mail Id is given as a String "Student/contact/mailId". How to convert this to Object Path as
Assume the label wants to display the mail ID, I would give the path string as "Student/contact/mailId" and the label should display the mail id as
struct Student {
var rollNum: String
var name: String
var contact: Contact
struct Contact {
var phoneNum: String
var mailId: MailId
struct MailId {
var official : String
var personal : String
let pathString = "Student/contact/mailId/personal"
let pathComponents = pathString.components(separatedBy: "/")
var index : Int = 1
let contact = Contact(phoneNum: "9988998899", mailId: MailId(official: "", personal: ""))
let student = Student(rollNum: "123", name: "John", contact: contact)
Reflection(from: student , pathComponents: pathComponents)
func Reflection(from object : Any, pathComponents : [String]) {
let properties = Mirror(reflecting: object)
for property in properties.children{
if index < pathComponents.count{
if property.label == pathComponents[index] {
index += 1
print(property.value , "got here with label :" , property.label)
Reflection(from: property.value, pathComponents: pathComponents)
Here, we can get the value as