I set the callback-url for Instagram webhook, and when Instagram Get my callback-url I should respond to the hub.challenge to verify. Instagram GET request to my endpoint URL:
GET https://callback_url/webhooks?
My code in vews.py:
def getInstagramWebhook(request):
if request.method == "GET":
mode = request.GET.get("hub.mode")
challenge = request.GET.get("hub.challenge")
verify_token = request.GET.get("hub.verify_token")
return challenge
But I have this error:
The URL couldn't be validated. Response does not match challenge, expected value="1120110039", received="\u003C!DOCTYPE html>\n\u003Chtm..."
I tried JsonResponse, HttpResponse, and redirect but not work
I finally found the solution to the problem :)
I added content_type='text/plain'
in the Response:
return HttpResponse(challenge, content_type='text/plain')
And Facebook verified my callback URL