I'm trying to execute an async infinite loop function in a non blocking manner. Currently I have the following code:
class OpcuaClient():
def __init__(self):
#subscribe to changes
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
print("subprocesses started")
async def subscribe_to_node(self, nodeid):
async with Client(url=self.url) as client:
node = client.get_node(nodeid)
# subscribing to node
sub = await client.create_subscription(500, self.handler)
await sub.subscribe_data_change(node)
# subscribe for infinte time
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(1)
however loop.run_forever() blocks the execution and "subprocess started" never gets printed. Note that i want to start the background process in the synchronous constructor. How can i achieve this ? I also tried some stuff with Multiprocessing/threading but that also failed.
Solved my issue by combining multithreading and async tasks as stated by @norbeq here.