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How to Add Nodejs Packages to Yocto?

I would like to have an OS which support nodejs. In my yocto project at layer.conf file I add IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " nodejs" IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " nodejs-npm" which result in to have an OS with nodejs support afer bake. Now I want to add some NPM packages also like basic-auth etc. would you please help me. kind regards.


  • In order to add an npm package into your image, you need to create a recipe for it.

    Yocto has an npm source scheme handler, and you can use to create a recipe fetching your wanted package.

    Create a recipe with devtool:

    devtool add "npm://;name=basic-auth;version=latest"

    You can set a specific version as well.

    The recipe would be the following:

    • :
    # Recipe created by recipetool
    # This is the basis of a recipe and may need further editing in order to be fully functional.
    # (Feel free to remove these comments when editing.)
    SUMMARY = "node.js basic auth parser"
    # WARNING: the following LICENSE and LIC_FILES_CHKSUM values are best guesses - it is
    # your responsibility to verify that the values are complete and correct.
    LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=42fffe6fe0b70501d52150ebb52113df \
    SRC_URI = "npm://;name=basic-auth;version=latest"
    NPM_SHRINKWRAP := "${THISDIR}/${PN}/npm-shrinkwrap.json"
    inherit npm
    # Must be set after inherit npm since that itself sets S
    S = "${WORKDIR}/npmpkg"
    LICENSE_${PN}-safe-buffer = "MIT"
    LICENSE_${PN} = "MIT"

    It compiles correctly.

    You can move it to your custom layer after testing it with devtool:

    devtool finish basic-auth <path/to/meta-custom> or
    devtool finish basic-auth <layer/in/bblayers.conf>

    For more information about npm handling check this link

    I encourage you to read more about Yocto NPM handling in their official documentation in this link


    If you encounter the error:

    is missing the required parameter 'Parameter 'package' required'

    just change name to package :

    devtool add "npm://;package=basic-auth;version=latest"