Search code examples

ORA-00984: column not allowed here - error at line 1 sql

SQL>CREATE TABLE student(ID INT, Name VARCHAR(20), Percentage INT, 
                         Location VARCHAR(20), DateOfBirth DATE);

SQL> INSERT INTO student(ID, Name, Percentage, Location, DateOfBirth) 
     VALUES(1, "Manthan Koli", 79, "Delhi", "2003-08-20");

Getting this error:

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00984: column not allowed here


  • In Oracle, it is a single quote you use to enclose strings (as specified in the SQL standard).

    Apart from that, Oracle recommends us to use VARCHAR2 instead of VARCHAR.

    Finally, when inserting dates, don't insert strings - use date literal (as my example shows), or TO_DATE function with appropriate format model.

    SQL> CREATE TABLE student
      2  (
      3     ID            INT,
      4     Name          VARCHAR2 (20),
      5     Percentage    INT,
      6     Location      VARCHAR2 (20),
      7     DateOfBirth   DATE
      8  );
    Table created.
    SQL> INSERT INTO student (ID,
      2                       Name,
      3                       Percentage,
      4                       Location,
      5                       DateOfBirth)
      6       VALUES (1,
      7               'Manthan Koli',
      8               79,
      9               'Delhi',
     10               DATE '2003-08-20');
    1 row created.