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Matlab: fastest method of reading parts/sequences of a large binary file

I want to read parts from a large (ca. 11 GB) binary file. The currently working solution is to load the entire file ( raw_data ) with fread(), then crop out pieces of interest ( data ).

Question: Is there a faster method of reading small (1-2% of total file, partially sequential reads) parts of a file, given something like a binary mask (i.e. a logical index of specific bytes of interst) in Matlab? Specifics below.

Notes for my specific case:

  • data of interest (26+e6 bytes, or ca. 24 MB) is roughly 2% of raw_data (1.2e+10 bytes or ca. 11 GB)
  • each 600.000 bytes contain ca 6.500 byte reads, which can be broken down to roughly 1.200 read-skip cycles (such as 'read 10 bytes, skip 5000 bytes').
  • the read instructions of the total file can be broken down in ca 20.000 similar but (not exactly identical) read-skip cycles (i.e. ca. 20.000x1.200 read-skip cycles)
  • The file is read from a GPFS (parallel file system)
  • Excessive RAM, newest Matlab ver and all toolboxes are available for the task

My initial idea of fread-fseek cycle proved to be extrodinarily much slower (see psuedocode below) than reading the whole file. Profiling revealed fread() is slowest (being called over a million times probably obvious to the experts here).

Alternatives I considered: memmapfile() [ ref ] has no feasible read multiple small parts as far as I could find. The MappedTensor library might be the next thing I'd look into. Related but didn't help, just to link to article: 1, 2.

%open file

%example read-skip data
f_reads = [20  10   6  20  40];  %read this number of bytes
f_skips = [900 6000 40 300 600]; %skip these bytes after each read instruction

data = []; %save the result here
fseek(fi,90000,'bof'); %skip initial bytes until first read

%read the file
for ind=1:nbr_read_skip_cylces-1
  tmp_data = fread(fi,f_reads(ind));
  data = [data; tmp_data]; %add newly read bytes to data variable 
  fseek(fi,f_skips(ind),'cof'); %skip to next read position

FYI: To get an overview and for transparency, I've compiled some plots (below) of the first ca 6.500 read locations (of my actual data) that, after collapsing into fread-fseek pairs can, can be summarized in 1.200 fread-fseek pairs.

f_reads(bytes) f_skips(bytes) read locations


  • I would do two things to speed up your code:

    1. preallocate the data array.
    2. write a C MEX-file to call fread and fseek.

    This is a quick test I did to compare using fread and fseek from MATLAB or C:

    %% Create large binary file
    data = 1:10000000; % 80 MB
    fi = fopen('data.bin', 'wb');
    fwrite(fi, data, 'double');
    n_read = 1;
    n_skip = 99;
    %% Read using MATLAB
    fi = fopen('data.bin', 'rb');
    fseek(fi, 0, 'eof');
    sz = ftell(fi);
    sz = floor(sz / (n_read + n_skip));
    data = zeros(1, sz);
    fseek(fi, 0, 'bof');
    for ind = 1:sz
      data(ind) = fread(fi, n_read, 'int8');
      fseek(fi, n_skip, 'cof');
    %% Read using C MEX-file
    mex fread_test_mex.c
    data = fread_test_mex('data.bin', n_read, n_skip);

    And this is fread_test_mex.c:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <mex.h>
    void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
                     int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
       // No testing of inputs...
       // inputs = 'data.bin', 1, 99
       char* fname = mxArrayToString(prhs[0]);
       int n_read = mxGetScalar(prhs[1]);
       int n_skip = mxGetScalar(prhs[2]);
       FILE* fi = fopen(fname, "rb");
       fseek(fi, 0L, SEEK_END);
       int sz = ftell(fi);
       sz /= n_read + n_skip;
       plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericMatrix(1, sz, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL);
       double* data = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);
       fseek(fi, 0L, SEEK_SET);
       char buffer[1];
       for(int ind = 1; ind < sz; ++ind) {
          fread(buffer, 1, n_read, fi);
          data[ind] = buffer[0];
          fseek(fi, n_skip, SEEK_CUR);

    I see this:

    Elapsed time is 6.785304 seconds.
    Building with 'Xcode with Clang'.
    MEX completed successfully.
    Elapsed time is 1.376540 seconds.

    That is, reading the data is 5x as fast with a C MEX-file. And that time includes loading the MEX-file into memory. A second run is a bit faster (1.14 s) because the MEX-file is already loaded.

    In the MATLAB code, if I initialize data = []; and then extend the matrix every time I read like OP does:

    tmp = fread(fi, n_read, 'int8');
    data = [data, tmp];

    then the execution time for that loop was 159 s, with 92.0% of the time spent in the data = [data, tmp] line. Preallocating really is important!