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switch column locations in python datatable

What is the most efficient way to switch the locations of two columns in python datatable? I wrote the below function that does what I want, but this may not be the best way, especially if my actual table is big. Is it possible to do this in place? Am I missing something obvious?

from datatable import Frame
dat = Frame(a=[1,2,3],b=[4,5,6],c=[7,8,9])

def switch_cols(data,col1,col2):
    data_n = list(data.names)
    data_n[data.colindex(col1)], data_n[data.colindex(col2)] =  data_n[data.colindex(col2)], data_n[data.colindex(col1)]
    return data[:, data_n]

dat = switch_cols(dat, "c","a")

   |     c      b      a
   | int32  int32  int32
-- + -----  -----  -----
 0 |     7      4      1
 1 |     8      5      2
 2 |     9      6      3
[3 rows x 3 columns]

For comparison in R, we can do this

dat = data.table(a=c(1,2,3), b=c(4,5,6), c=c(7,8,9))
switch_cols <- function(data,col1,col2) {
  indexes = which(names(dat) %in% c(col1,col2))
  datn = names(dat)
  datn[indexes] <- datn[c(indexes[2], indexes[1])]

Then, we can change the order of two columns in-place like this

setcolorder(dat, switch_cols(dat,"a","c"))

Please note that assigning the values to each column is not what I'm after here. Consider this example, in R. I construct a large data.table like this:

dat = data.table(
  x = rnorm(10000000),
  y = sample(letters, 10000000, replace = T)

I make two copies of this data.table d and e

e = copy(dat)
d = copy(dat)

I then compare these two in-place operations

  • setcolorder (simply reindexing where in the data.table two columns are)
  • := re-assignment of the two columns
  list=alist("setcolorder" =  setcolorder(d, c("y", "x")),
             "`:=`" = e[,`:=`(x=y, y=x)]),

Unit: microseconds
        expr     min      lq    mean  median      uq     max neval
 setcolorder    81.5    81.5    81.5    81.5    81.5    81.5     1
        `:=` 53691.1 53691.1 53691.1 53691.1 53691.1 53691.1     1

As expected, setcolorder is the right way to switch column locations in R data.table. I'm looking for a similar approach in python.


  • After some consideration and timings, I'm finding that the best approach is this:

    from datatable import Frame
    dat = Frame(a=[1,2,3],b=[4,5,6],c=[7,8,9])
       |     a      b      c
       | int32  int32  int32
    -- + -----  -----  -----
     0 |     1      4      7
     1 |     2      5      8
     2 |     3      6      9
    [3 rows x 3 columns]
    def switch_cols(data,col1,col2):
        return data[:, [col1 if c==col2 else col2 if c==col1 else c for c in data.names]]
    switch_cols(dat, "a","c")
       |     c      b      a
       | int32  int32  int32
    -- + -----  -----  -----
     0 |     7      4      1
     1 |     8      5      2
     2 |     9      6      3
    [3 rows x 3 columns]