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How do I call this method in objective-C (iOS)?

I have spent literally hours and hours trying to find the answer to this. I have tried [what I feel anyway!] to be everything. And I cannot call this method in my code with out getting this error:

Receiver type NSString for instance message does not declare a method with selector returnAsDoubleDigits:

I was trying to refactor my code so I could reuse this method to return single digit numbers (converted to NSString) as double digit strings (i.e. 4 becomes 04).

Please can anyone help me here? Have I even declared it correctly etc.? Thank you so much! :)

Call something like:

[doubleDigitString returnAsDoubleDigits: singleDigitString];

Header file:

- (NSString *)returnAsDoubleDigits: (NSString *)digits;

Implementation file:

- (NSString *)returnAsDoubleDigits: (NSString *)digits {
    if (digits.length == 1) return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"0%@", digits];
    else return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"0%@", digits];


  • Where are you calling it from? in the same class? Is this what you intended?

    NSString* doubleDigitString = [self returnAsDoubleDigits:digits];

    You could always use categories too.

    @implementation NSString (mycategory)
    -(NSString *) returnAsDoubleDigits
       NSString* doubleDigits = nil;
       if (self.length == 1) {
        doubleDigits = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"0%@",
       } else {
        doubleDigits = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"0%@",
       return doubleDigits;

    and then use

     NSString* doubleDigitString = [singleDigitString returnAsDoubleDigits];