Search code examples

Breadth-first search from one node to another

I'm implementing my own graph class, and I'm currently making my own BFS-search method. Right now it traverses all vertices from one root vertex.

public List<T> breadthFirstSearch(T start, T end) {
    List<T> visited = new ArrayList<T>();
    Queue<T> path = new LinkedList<T>();
    while (!path.isEmpty()){
        T currentNode = path.poll();
        for (Edge<T> edge: graphRep.get(currentNode)) {
            if (!visited.contains(edge.node)) {
    return visited;

What I want to do is to find the path from vertex start to vertex end, but right now it finds the path between the start to all nodes. How do I change my code so that it only finds the path between the start to end?


  • There are several mistakes in your solution:

    • you not checking whether you find the target node;
    • case, when it is not possible to reach the end from the start node, is not covered in your solution;
    • the list visited will contain all a sequence of visited nodes, but not a path from the start node to end node;
    • method contains() costs O(n) for a list, you definitely have to use a HashSet for that purpose;
    • ArrayDeque will perform better than LinkedList (technically it's not a mistake but rather a strong recommendation).

    So to fix your code you need to add a check whether the node to which points the current edge is equal to the end node and a boolean flag to break out from the loop (there's no need to do farther iterations).

    In the code below HashMap paths is used for two purposes:

    • to track the parent node for each visited node in order to restore the path from start to end;
    • to check whether a new node is already visited.

    Method getPath() will either return list nodes that represents a direct path from start to end an empty list if the path doesn't exist.

    public List<T> breadthFirstSearch(T start, T end) {
        Map<T, T> paths = new HashMap<>();
        Queue<T> queue = new ArrayDeque<>();
        paths.put(start, null);
        boolean isFound = false;
        while (!isFound && !queue.isEmpty()) {
            T currentNode = queue.remove();
            for (Edge<T> edge : graphRep.get(currentNode)) {
                if (paths.containsKey(edge.node)) {
                paths.put(edge.node, currentNode);
                // end node was found
                if (edge.node.equals(end)) {
                    isFound = true;
        return getPath(start, end, paths);
    public List<T> getPath(T start, T end,  Map<T, T> paths) {
        List<T> path = new ArrayList<T>();
        T current = end;
        while (current != start && current != null) { // if there's no path from start to end current eventually will become null
            current = paths.get(current);
        return current != null ? path : Collections.emptyList();