I'm learning golang atm, and currently I'm using gorm trying to select query getting date column, but it keep returning '2020-01-10T00:00:00Z', how do I get rid of the timezone?
I've tried changing date to time.Time or string, nothing works, here is the code
type Price struct {
DateStay time.Time `json:"date"`
Price int `json:"price"`
This is the code that I am using
var price []models.Price
err = models.DB.Raw(`
SELECT P.date_stay, P.price
FROM prices p
WHERE P.room_type_id = ?
`, roomTypeId).Scan(&price).Error
I tried to P.date_stay::date, date(P.date_stay) on the query but nothing works
I expect it to return '2020-01-10'
Using time.Time as a type for the date is probably best.
You can format the result of the date by setting the format to the desired date format you want. (dd-mm-yyyy or whatever order you please).
Then you can format the value using time.Parse(format, date)
format := "2000-01-13"
formattedDate, err := time.Parse(format, price.DateStay)
assuming price is a result from your select query.
If you time is a time.Time you can try using price.DateStay.Format(format)