I have a backend that responds with a JWT token upon successful authentication. However, for security purposes, the cookie can not be visible from the client-side. Now in the frontend I use react. I have created a functional component that sets and gets a token. I have learned that the best approach to store the JWT token is to save it as a cookie as well as activate HTTPOnly from server side. The question I have is for the purpose of securing the JWT token how can I properly save the cookie in the frontend if the HTTPOnly is activated (which makes the cookie not visible)? I plan to use the cookie to check if the user is already logged in or not. Just to give you an overview of what I am doing I have added the component below.
export default function useToken() {
const getToken = () => {
const tokenString = localStorage.getItem("token"); // I will refactor localstorage to cookie
const userToken = JSON.parse(tokenString as string);
return userToken;
const [token, setToken] = useState<string>(getToken());
const saveToken = (userToken: string) => {
localStorage.setItem("token", JSON.stringify(userToken)); // I will refactor localstorage to cookie
return {
setToken: saveToken,
const { token, setToken } = useToken()
return (
<div className="app">
<Header />
<Footer />
<Route path="/login" element={!token ? <Login setToken={setToken} /> : <Navigate to="/" />} />
To check if the user is already logged in or not, one common way is :
as soon as one request from the backend returns HTTP 401, the user is considered logged out.
Also, it depends if your frontend is in a CDN or hitting the server on page load. On the latter case, you can find it out server-side.
Then, to handle authentication, your server can read the JWT token from the cookies when receiving the request.