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(C#) How can I make all these "else if" statements more condensed and how can I optimize my code better?

Okay, I have a load of else if statements, is there a way to condense them into fewer lines of code? Like make one if statement for all of it? And what ways could I make my code more optimize and easier to read?

            int x;
            int y;
            int time=0;
            Random rng = new Random();
            int hrand_num = rng.Next(-24000, 24000);
            int vrand_num = rng.Next(-24000, 24000);
            x = hrand_num;
            y = vrand_num;

            while (true)
                ConsoleKey key = Console.ReadKey().Key;
                if (key == ConsoleKey.UpArrow)

                else if (key == ConsoleKey.DownArrow)



                else if (key == ConsoleKey.LeftArrow)
                    x = x-1000;
                else if (key == ConsoleKey.RightArrow)
                    x = x+1000;
                // Circumnavigate Players Position.
                  // North and South
                if (y >= 24001)
                    y = -24000;

                else if (y <= -24001)
                    y = 24000;
                  //West and East
                else if (x >= 24001)
                    x = -24000;
                else if (x <= -24001)
                    x = 24000;

                // Setting Time Zones

                if (x >= -2000 && x <= 0 )
                    time = 0;
                else if (x >=
                    1 && x <= 2000)
                    time = 1;
                else if (x >= 2001 && x <=4000)
                    time = 2;

                else if (x >= 4001 && x <= 6000)
                    time = 3;

                else if (x >= 6001 && x <= 8000)
                    time = 4;

                else if (x >= 8001 && x <= 10000)
                    time = 5;
                else if (x >= 10001 && x <= 12000)
                    time = 6;
                else if (x >= 12001 && x <= 14000)
                    time =  7;
                else if (x >= 14001 && x <= 16000)
                    time =  8;
                else if (x >= 16001 && x <= 18000)
                    time =  9;
                else if (x >= 18001 && x <= 20000)
                    time =  10;
                else if (x >= 20001 && x <= 22000)
                    time =  11;
                else if (x >= 22001 && x <= 24000)
                    time = 12;
                else if (x == -24000 && x <= -22001)
                    time = 13;
                else if (x >= -22000 && x <= -20001 )
                    time = 14;
                else if (x >= -20000 && x <= -18001)
                    time = 15;
                else if (x >= -18000 && x <= -16001)
                    time = 16;
                else if (x >= -16000 && x <= -14001)
                    time =  17;
                else if (x >= -14000 && x <= -12001)
                    time = 18;
                else if (x >= -12000 && x <= -10001)
                    time = 19;
                else if (x >= -10000 && x <= -8001)
                    time =  20;
                else if (x >= -8000 && x <= -6001)
                    time = 21;
                else if (x >= -6000 && x <= -4001)
                    time = 22;
                else if (x >= -4000 && x <= -2001)
                    time = 23;
                Console.WriteLine($"X: {x,6} Y: {y,6} Time: {time,3}");


  • Assuming that you are using C# 8.0 you may have a look at the switch statement and switch expressions: (additionaly the patterns documentation is also helpful:

    So you could write something like:

    switch (key)
      case ConsoleKey.UpArrow:
      // [...]
    time = x switch
      >= -2000 and <= 0 => 0,
      >= 1 and <= 2000 => 1
      // [...]