If I press the search shortcut in my browser while creating/editing a gist, it pops up a little search on the header:
I haven't found any documentation on this functionality. If I press Enter it jumps to a match, the search disappears, and all other matches are highlighted: so far so good.
But I can't figure out how to navigate from one match to the next with my keyboard; if I press any key after I've pressed ctrl+f, Enter, it edits the document. How do I jump to the previous/next matching term with my keyboard?
For context, I'm using Windows.
The keyboard shortcuts you are searching for are as follows:
Find next
Windows: ctrl+G
Mac/Linux: cmd ⌘+G
Find previous
Windows: ctrl+shift ⇧+G
Mac/Linux: cmd ⌘+shift ⇧+G
More shortcuts can be found on the page about Keyboard shortcuts in the GitHub Docs.