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Terraform and complex variables

I am using the "Hetzner" provider with Terraform.
My plan is to have something like this in fx .auto.tfvars :

fw_openings = [
      port = "22",
      protocol = "tcp",
      subnet = ""
      port = "80",
      protocol = "tcp",
      subnet = ""

Based on the fw_openings I would like to generate something like this:

resource "hcloud_firewall" "firewall" {
   rule {
      direction = "in"
      protocol = "tcp"
      port = "22"
      source_ips = [
   rule {
      direction = "in"
      protocol = "tcp"
      port = "80"
      source_ips = [

I'm sure it's possible (since it seems very trivial). But I seem to keep tripping over the looping options with Terraform.
What would be the proper solution?


  • You can use dynamic blocks:

    resource "hcloud_firewall" "firewall" {
       dynamic "rule" {
          for_each = var.fw_openings
          content {
                direction = "in"
                protocol = rule.value.protocol
                port = rule.value.port
                source_ips = [