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Django annotate() is not adding up the number of entries but is instead repeating them


The Amazon Kindle PaperWhite stores the words we lookup while reading into a sqlite3 database called vocab.db. I am working on a small kindle companion app that takes this db file and imports it into a django table for various processing. I have done this step already.

What I would like to do:

I would like to query my table KindleLookups for my most difficult words (ex: how many times have I looked up a specific word). I would ultimately like to present this data in a table ordered by highest count.

Desired Result:

Word Lookup Count
Reverberated 3
Troubadour 1
Corrugated 1

My result (undesired):

Here Reverberated is being repeated three times each with a lookup count of one, instead of one time with three lookup count.

Word Lookup Count
Reverberated 1
Reverberated 1
Reverberated 1
Troubadour 1
Corrugated 1


class KindleLookups(TimeStampedModel):
    book = models.ForeignKey(KindleBookInfo, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    word = models.ForeignKey(KindleWords, on_delete=models.CASCADE)

class KindleWords(TimeStampedModel):
    word_key = models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)
    word = models.CharField(max_length=255)

I am trying to accomplish this using annotate(), but this is repeating the rows instead of adding them up for some reason.

context['lookup_counts'] = KindleLookups.objects.annotate(word_count=Count("word"))

I then thought that I needed to annotate on the actual word, but nothing seems to have changed.

context['lookup_counts'] = KindleLookups.objects.annotate(word_count=Count("word__word"))


{% for word in lookup_counts %}
    <td>{{ word.word }}</td>
    <td>{{ word.word_count }}</td>
{% endfor %}

So I am hoping you can answer my questions:


  1. What is actually happening with my annotate()? Why is it repeating the rows instead of counting them, despite me using Count()?
  2. Would counting on the "word" and "word__word" be the exact same thing?
  3. Could this issue be somehow related with my KindleLookups's __str__ method returning the self.usage (the sentence the word was found in) and not the word?


  • You should annotate the KindleWords model instead, so:

    context['lookup_counts'] = KindleWords.objects.annotate(

    The KindleWordss that arise from this queryset will have an extra attribute .word_count that determines how many times that KindleWords is used in the KindleLookups.

    Note: normally a Django model is given a singular name, so KindleWord instead of KindleWords.