I'm using Python 2.6.2 (unfortunately can't upgrade to 2.7, or I'd use argparse). How can I get optparse to return a list of the options that have been added via 'add_option'?
Here's some sample code:
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser()
(opts,args) = parser.parser_args()
optlist = parser.funcToGetListOfOptions()
print optlist
['one', 'two']
I've looked through the optparse source and can figure it out by accessing internal attributes, but that doesn't seem very kosher. What's the right way to do this?
>>> parser._get_all_options()[1:]
[<Option at 0xb7d185ec: --one>, <Option at 0xb7d1866c: --two>]
>>> [x.get_opt_string() for x in parser._get_all_options()[1:]]
['--one', '--two']
>>> [x.dest for x in parser._get_all_options()[1:]]
['one', 'two']