I'm writing full stack web application using ReactJS, Laravel and MySQL that allows users to create quizzes.
create table quizzes (
id bigint unsigned auto_increment primary key,
title varchar(255) not null,
description text null,
duration smallint unsigned not null,
is_open tinyint(1) default 0 not null,
shuffle_questions tinyint(1) default 0 not null,
user_id bigint unsigned not null,
lesson_id bigint unsigned not null,
created_at timestamp null,
updated_at timestamp null,
constraint quizzes_lesson_id_foreign foreign key (lesson_id) references lessons (id) on delete cascade,
constraint quizzes_user_id_foreign foreign key (user_id) references users (id) on delete cascade
) collate = utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
create table questions (
id bigint unsigned auto_increment primary key,
title text not null,
description text null,
image varchar(255) null,
type enum ('radio', 'checkbox', 'text', 'image') not null,
is_required tinyint(1) default 0 not null,
points tinyint unsigned default '0' not null,
quiz_id bigint unsigned not null,
created_at timestamp null,
updated_at timestamp null,
constraint questions_quiz_id_foreign foreign key (quiz_id) references webagu_24082021.quizzes (id) on delete cascade
) collate = utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
create table answers (
id bigint unsigned auto_increment primary key,
value varchar(1024) null,
is_correct tinyint(1) default 0 not null,
quiz_id bigint unsigned not null,
question_id bigint unsigned not null,
created_at timestamp null,
updated_at timestamp null,
constraint answers_question_id_foreign foreign key (question_id) references questions (id) on delete cascade,
constraint answers_quiz_id_foreign foreign key (quiz_id) references quizzes (id) on delete cascade
) collate = utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
.post('/quizzes', { "quiz": QuizData, "questions": QuestionsData, "answers": AnswersData })
.then(res => {
if(201 === res.status) alert('Quiz saved!');
methodpublic function store(Request $request): JsonResponse
$quizData = $request->input('quiz');
$questions = $request->input('questions');
$answers = $request->input('answers');
$groupedAnswers = Utils::groupBy('_question_id', $answers);
$quizData['user_id'] = \auth('api')->user()->id;
$quiz = Quiz::create($quizData);
$new_questions = [];
$new_answers = [];
foreach ($questions as $question) {
$question['quiz_id'] = $quiz->id;
$new_question = Question::create($question);
$new_questions[] = $new_question;
$qid = $question['_question_id'];
if (isset($groupedAnswers[$qid])) {
$question_answers = $groupedAnswers[$qid];
foreach ($question_answers as $answer) {
$answer['quiz_id'] = $quiz->id;
$answer['question_id'] = $new_question->id;
$new_answer = Answer::create($answer);
$new_answers[] = $new_answer;
$resData = ['quiz' => $quiz, 'questions' => $new_questions, 'answer' => $new_answers];
return response()->json($resData, 201);
My current code algorithm:
loop assign Quiz::id
to Question
object quiz_id
foreign key column and createsforeach
loop assign Question::id
to Answer
object question_id
foreign key column and createsThis algorithm creates Q (questions count) * A (answers count) SQL queries - and this this very slow.
For example, if quiz contains 50 questions, each have 4 answers variants, query will contain 50 * 4 = 200 SQL queries.
So, how to change this bad solution to make it work faster?
Actually if you have 50 questions, you have:
query to create a quiz
queries to create questions
queries to create answers
Total : 251
If I'm not mistaken with your coding, you can optimize your query like this (example 50 questions, I explain in the comment block) :
$input_quiz = $request->input('quiz');
$input_questions = $request->input('questions');
$input_answers = $request->input('answers');
$groupedAnswers = Utils::groupBy('_question_id', $input_answers);
// Create a quiz (1 query)
$quiz = Quiz::create($input_quiz);
// Create questions (50 queries)
$questions = $quiz->questions()->createMany($input_questions);
// Prepare answers data
$answers = [];
// Loop $questions
foreach ($questions as $key => $question){
// If I'm not mistaken, the index on the input
// will be equal to $questions (starting at 0)
$qid = $input_questions[$key]['_question_id'];
$question_answers = $groupedAnswers[$qid];
// Modify answer
foreach ($question_answers as $_answer){
$_answer['quiz_id'] = $quiz->id;
$_answer['question_id'] = $question->id;
$_answer['created_at'] = now(); // Laravel insert not saved created_at column
$_answer['updated_at'] = now(); // Laravel insert not saved updated_at column
$answers[] = $_answer; // Push it
// Then, we will bulk insert using the insert method (1 query)
$answers = Answer::insert($answers);
Now, you have :
query to create a quiz
queries to create questions
query to create answers
Total : 52
What I've ever done in a case like this is, use only 3 queries. But many considerations, such as using a temporary column. However, I don't think you need to go that far.