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Writing generic implementation of sum on an iterator in Rust

I have been learning Rust, coming from a Swift, C and C++ background. I feel like I have a basic understanding of ownership, borrowing and traits. To exercise a bit, I decided to implement a sum function on a generic slice [T] where T has a default value and can be added to itself.

This is how far I got:

trait Summable {
    type Result;
    fn sum(&self) -> Self::Result;

impl<T> Summable for [T]
    T: Add<Output = T> + Default,
    type Result = T;

    fn sum(&self) -> T {
        let x = T::default();
        self.iter().fold(x, |a, b| a + b)

Compiler complains with expected type parameter T, found &T for a + b.

I understand why the error happens, but not exactly how to fix it. Yes, the type of x is T. It cannot be &T because, if nothing else, if the slice is empty, that's the value that is returned and I cannot return a reference to something created inside the function. Plus, the default function returns a new value that the code inside the function owns. Makes sense. And yes, b should be a shared reference to the values in the slice since I don't want to consume them (not T) and I don't want to mutate them (not &mut T).

But that means I need to add T to &T, and return a T because I am returning a new value (the sum) which will be owned by the caller. How?

PS: Yes, I know this function exists already. This is a learning exercise.


  • The std::ops::Add trait has an optional Rhs type parameter that defaults to Self:

    pub trait Add<Rhs = Self> {
        type Output;
        fn add(self, rhs: Rhs) -> Self::Output;

    Because you've omitted the Rhs type parameter from the T: Add<Output = T> bound, it defaults to T: hence to your a you can add a T, but not an &T.

    Either specify that T: for<'a> Add<&'a T, Output = T>; or else somehow obtain an owned T from b, e.g. via T: Copy or T: Clone.