I want to find a book with most sold score. For this, I have created a series (unique_books) with names of all the books. Next, I want to compare its values with the books column (Book Name) but it is keep generating errors. I an a newbie so this question may feel dumb to you. Please excuse my silliness and do help me sort it out. Any help would be appreciated.
unique_books = pd.Series(unique_books) #converting ndarray to pd series
bestselling = pd.Series(unique_books, dtype="int")
counter = 0
bestselling_book = 0
for i in range(0, len(df['Book Name'])):
if df[df["Book Name"]].equals(unique_books[unique_books[i]]):
counter += 1
if bestselling_book < counter:
bestselling_book = counter
print ("The best selling book is " + str(bestselling_book))
Based on your comment:
df = pd.DataFrame({'books':['A', 'A', 'B', 'A']})