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how to navigate on pages using material ui in reactjs

I am making a drawer for my dashboard using material-Ui, I have faced an issue navigating on my pages

first, I wanna share my app. js and here I have product route

<Provider store={store}>
    < Routes>
      <Route exact path='/' element={<Login/>} />
      <Route exact path='/dashboard' element={<Dashboard/>} />
      <Route exact path='/product' element={<Product/>}/>

here is my dashboard code:

In this code, I am an object who has an onClick function for navigation on pages

  const listItem = [

here is my list of who is rendering the items

  {, index) => {
    const { text,onClick} = item;
      return (
         <ListItem button key={text} onClick={onClick}>
            <ListItemText primary={text} />

but it's not navigation my my product page


  • Where is the navigate function definition? This should be on the body of the component, using the useNavigate hook from React Router DOM... So your code should look like

    // on top of the file:
    import { useNavigate } from 'react-router-dom';
    // on your component:
    const navigate = useNavigate();
    const listItem = [
    return (
          {, index) => {
            const { text, onclick } = item;
              return (
                 <ListItem button key={text} onClick={onclick}>
                    <ListItemText primary={text} />

    As a more simple alternative, you may like to use Link component of React Router DOM, importing it like import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'; and using it like this on the jsx:

    const listItem = [
          onclick: '/dashboard'
          onclick: '/product',
    return (
          {, index) => {
            const { text, onclick } = item;
              return (
                <Link key={text} to={onclick}>
                    <ListItem button>
                    <ListItemText primary={text} />

    Anyways, the error is on the JSX (specifically, on the map function over listItem). In your code, you're destructuring an item like { text, onClick } but it should be NOT camelcase onClick, like this: { text, onclick }.