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Why does the presence of after_create_commit make my after_update_commit never fire?

I'm seeing a scenario where i have something like this:

class User
  def thing; puts "hello"; end
  after_update_commit :thing
  after_create_commit :thing

the after_update_commit never fires when doing user.update first_name: rand but if i comment out after_create_commit, it does work.

  • Whichever one is declared last is the one that wins.
  • seems to only be for _commit callbacks
  • only happens with multiple callbacks for same method

Is this a Rails bug or is there a reason for this?




    Using both after_create_commit and after_update_commit with the same method name will only allow the last callback defined to take effect, as they both internally alias to after_commit which overrides previously defined callbacks with the same method name.

    solution if don't have conditions:

    after_commit :thing, on: [:update, :create]

    solution if do have condition (in this case, is_active? on update)

    after_commit :thing, on: [:update, :create]
    def thing
      # id_previously_changed? is only true when record is created
      unless id_previously_changed?
        return unless is_active?
    # ...