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Detox - Possible to Force Fail Test?

Is there a way to force a test to fail in Detox? I haven't found anything in the documentation that says this can be the case. I am comparing two IDs that are hidden in an element and screen of my app and if they don't match, I want to fail the test.

if ( === {
else {
    *fail test*

it(`should invite User`, async () => {}

Or is it as easy as just throwing an error? Thanks


  • Detox itself delegates test logic to a test runner.

    Detox delegates the actual JavaScript test-code execution to a dedicated test-runner. It supports the popular Jest and Mocha out of the box.

    If you are using jest as the underlying test runner, you could just use its fail method as follows.

    if ( === {
    else {
        fail('test fails');

    In mocha you could use the following function."actual", "expected", "Error message");

    We could also abuse the detox high level api to achieve the same (but less readable).

    await waitFor(element(;