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Blazor Navigation Issue

I have 2 Blazor pages.

Home.razor @page "/"

MgrLanding.razor @page "/MgrLanding"

And one component PersonEdit.razor

The home page has a link on it to navigate to MrgLanding page. When I click that link it takes me to MgrLanding.

MgrLanding has the PersonEdit component.

There is a link to show the PersonEdit component.

When I clik on the link it takes me back to the Home page.

If I make the MgrLanding page the home page by: @page "/" The behavior is as expected, the PersonEdit component shows.


@page "/"
<a href="/MgrLanding">Mgr Landing Page</a>


@page "/MgrLanding"


<a href="" onclick="@ChangeEditMode">Edit</a>

@if (EditMode)
    <PersonEdit Employee=@PE FormSubmittedCallback=@Save></PersonEdit>

@code {
    public bool EditMode { get; set; }
    public Person PE { get; set; }

    public class Person
        public string Name { get; set; }

    protected async override Task OnInitializedAsync()
        PE = new Person();
        PE.Name = "Bob The Builder";
    protected void ChangeEditMode()
        EditMode = true;
    public void Save()
        EditMode = false;

PersonEdit.razor component

<h5>PersonEdit Component</h5>

<EditForm Context="formContext" Model=@Employee>
    <InputText @bind-Value=Employee.Name class="form-control" id="Name" />
    <input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="Save" @onclick="Save" />

@code {
    public MgrLanding.Person Employee { get; set; }
    public EventCallback FormSubmittedCallback { get; set; }

    private void Save()


  • Change your anchor to a button:

    <a href="" onclick="@ChangeEditMode">Edit</a>


    <button onclick="@ChangeEditMode">Edit</button>

    if using an anchor for and action is required then a better blazor way would be simply omit the href attribute:

    <a onclick="@ChangeEditMode">Edit</a>

    if styling of a link is required i would

    <button class="btn btn-link" onclick="@ChangeEditMode">Edit</button>