I have the following question. bbox2
is a list of data points, and as you see every bbox2[k - 1::k]
element is 0
save_text = [image_path]
bbox2 = [126,0,178,38,0,254,415,316,472,0,390,292,423,326,0]
bbox2 = str(bbox2).replace(' ', '')
with open('output.txt', 'a') as file:
file.write(' '.join(map(str, save_text)).replace('[', '').replace(']', '') + '\n')
Now please look at the output. The output I am getting is:
DSC07368_053.jpg 126,0,178,38,0,254,415,316,472,0,390,292,423,326,0
So now my question is how can I write this text file like the expected output.
Expected output:
DSC07368_053.jpg 126,0,178,38,0 254,415,316,472,0 390,292,423,326,0
If I use another .replace(',0,',',0 ')
then there is a problem because it is replacing all of it but I need the space after each bbox2[k - 1::k]
element instead of a comma.
You could use while
-loop with bbox2[:k]
and bbox2[k:]
to convert list to 2D list
bbox2 = [126,0,178,38,0,254,415,316,472,0,390,292,423,326,0]
k = 5
list2D = []
while bbox2:
list2D.append(bbox2[:k]) # beginnig elements
bbox2 = bbox2[k:] # rest of list
[126, 0, 178, 38, 0],
[254, 415, 316, 472, 0],
[390, 292, 423, 326, 0]
And this list is simply to convert to list of strings
substrings = ["DSC07368_053.jpg"]
for sublist in list2D:
text = ",".join( map(str, sublist) )
[ "DSC07368_053.jpg", "126,0,178,38,0", "254,415,316,472,0", "390,292,423,326,0" ]
And now you need only " ".join()
to convert to single string
result = " ".join(substrings)
DSC07368_053.jpg 126,0,178,38,0 254,415,316,472,0 390,292,423,326,0
Full code can be reduced to
bbox2 = [126,0,178,38,0,254,415,316,472,0,390,292,423,326,0]
k = 5
substrings = ["DSC07368_053.jpg"]
while bbox2:
sublist = bbox2[:k] # beginnig elements
bbox2 = bbox2[k:] # rest of list
text = ",".join( map(str, sublist) )
result = " ".join(substrings)
But version with while
-loop destroys original bbox2
and to keep original bbox2
you would have to duplicate it with bbox2.copy()
Or it is situation when range(len())
can be useful.
bbox2 = [126,0,178,38,0,254,415,316,472,0,390,292,423,326,0]
k = 5
substrings = ["DSC07368_053.jpg"]
for x in range(0, len(bbox2), k):
sublist = bbox2[x:x+k]
text = ",".join(map(str, sublist))
result = " ".join(substrings)
It can be use to create useful function slicer()
def slicer(data, k):
for x in range(0, len(data), k):
yield data[x:x+k]
# ---
bbox2 = [126,0,178,38,0,254,415,316,472,0,390,292,423,326,0]
k = 5
substrings = ["DSC07368_053.jpg"]
for sublist in slicer(bbox2, k):
text = ",".join(map(str, sublist))
result = " ".join(substrings)