I've tried to add control character (e.g. tab, enter etc) between text in python QRcode module. I can't find reference or introduction how can I add it. Could you please advise it?
I just make code simply like below.
from tkinter import *
import qrcode
root = Tk()
root.title('My QRcode Generator') #window title
root.geometry("640x480+300+100") #width X hegith + x + Y
e = Entry(root, width=30)
label1 = Label(root, text='QRIMAGE')
def btncmd():
img = qrcode.make(e.get())
a = e.get()
img.save( a + '.png')
global photo
photo = PhotoImage(file=a+'.png')
btn1= Button(root, text='generate QRcode', command = btncmd)
An entry widget only accepts a single line of text. It's possible to insert a newline, but you won't be able to see it. If you want to be able to see it, you'll have to use a Text
The default behavior of a tab is to move the focus to the next widget so that the user can navigate the UI from the keyboard.
If you want the user to be able insert a tab or newline into the entry widget, you'll have to add special bindings that insert the string and then prevent the default action.
For example:
def insert_special(char):
e.insert("insert", char)
return "break"
entry.bind("<Tab>", lambda event: insert_special("\t"))
entry.bind("<Return>", lambda event: insert_special("\n"))
Note: if you use the Text
widget you won't have to do the binding since it allows tabs and newlines.