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Check User Visit the Url in nextjs

I want to check the if visit the page first time the function run else not run


very first time user open the site HOME page show the condition is must run after the user visit /about page the about page also first time condition run after this user again back to the home page the home page is visited the condition is not run for this time how can I achieve this in next.js

import useScrollPosition from "/hooks/useScrollPosition";

const scrollPosition = useScrollPosition();
const [isShowComponents, setIsShowComponents] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
if (scrollPosition >= 100) {
}, [scrollPosition]);

{isShowComponents ? (
        <WorkWithUs />
        <Team />
        <FAQS />
    ) : <BaseSkeleton />}

This condition is just run when user very first time on the page.


  • I not tried it by my own but you can try something like this save the paths visited on localStorage or in cookies in each Component

    Home Component

    import {useLocation} from "react-router-dom"
    import {useState,useEffect} from "react"
    const scrollPosition = useScrollPosition();
    const [isShowComponents, setIsShowComponents] = useState(false);
    const Home = ()=>{
       const location =useLocation()
       const scrollPosition = useScrollPosition();
       const [path, setPath] = useLocalStorage("home","");
        useEffect(() => {
          if (scrollPosition >= 100 && !localStorage.getItem("home")) {
        }, [scrollPosition]);
      return <h1>{path}</h1>

    APP Component

    const App = () => {
      return (
             <Route exact path="/" element={<Home/>}/>
             <Route exact path="/about" element={<About/>}/>
             <Route exact path="/work" element={<Work/>}/>
             <Route exact path="/setting" element={<Setting/>}/>

    This will be more Good if we will make this functionality in customHook