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How to solve "Higher version than referenced assembly" message

Am not experienced in C stacks, but am trying to build this DICOM project, it seems it's depending on a 'no-longer' existing project, so I tried to compile mdcm instead to generate the DLLs.

the generated dlls produce DICOM and Nlog, NLog didn't seem to work with the target project, missing classes etc ... when I installed Nlog version 1.0 using Nuget package manager the missing classes issues got solved but now I get the below error message.

what are possible solution to this ?

enter image description here


  • It means a dependency references a version of a package that is greater than the one you have installed into your app but your app reference will "win" since it is a direct reference, hence the error.

    To fix it, you should install/upgrade to version 2 of NLog directly into your app although there might be build/runtime issues with that depending on the changes made in v2.