Search code examples

How to add more variables js vue

code below

methods: {
switch (typwik) {
  case 'T':
    console.log('<span class="ui green label"><i class="check icon"></i>TOMATO!</span>');
  case 'N':
    console.log('<span class="ui red label"><i class="x icon"></i>NASA!</span>');
  case 'U':
    console.log('<span class="ui red label"><i class="x icon"></i>UGANDA!</span>');

how to change this code to make it work after entering more than two values, for example: if I type T it will show "Tomato" if I type N it will show "NASA" and if I type U it will show "Uganda". At the moment it only works on two variables, if I type T it displays something and if I type something other than T it displays a different option.


  • You are pretty close, you just need to combine both of your attempts. In the first one you look at the value and return based on its outcome. While in the second you use a switch but you're not returning anything.

    typwik: function(value) {
      switch (value) {
        case 'T':
          return '<span class="ui green label"><i class="check icon"></i>TOMATO!</span>';
        case 'N':
          return '<span class="ui red label"><i class="x icon"></i>NASA!</span>';
        case 'U':
          return '<span class="ui red label"><i class="x icon"></i>UGANDA!</span>';