I have some react functional component:
export const Chat = props => {
const messagesRef = useRef(null);
useEffect(() => messages && messagesRef.current.scrollTo(0, 99999), [messages]);
return (
<div className='chat-content__list' ref={messagesRef}>
I'm not good at testing and I just want to test the render of my component, the code is like this:
it('Render Messages chat', async () => {
const { container } = render(<Chat ...someProps />)
After running this test, I get this error: TypeError: messagesRef.current.scrollTo is not a function
How to work with refs during testing and how to fix the error in my case?
Jest React tests run in an abstraction of the browser called jsdom. Because it isn't a real browser not all functions are implemented. I suspect that the scrollTo
is one such example.
For example, this answer suggests that scrollIntoView
is also not implemented and to get around it you can provide a spy for it.
Jest supports having a setup file for setup code required by all tests. You can look into placing the mock there.