I have the XML given below. From this XML, in an ASPX page with an ASCX control that will contain the data, I want a drop-down on top with option "GMAT", "GRE", "LSAT", and "MCAT". And when I select GMAT below it will show only GMAT brochure and same with others.
Can you please provide some code for this?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ImageTitle>GMAT Brochure</ImageTitle>
<Description><p xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">Classroom
and Online Coursegrams.</p></Description>
<ImageTitle>GMAT Problem Solving Questions and Answers</ImageTitle>
<Description>Download Kaplan's GMAT Problem So to each question.</Description>
<ImageTitle>GMAT Sentence Correction Practice Questions</ImageTitle>
<Description><p xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">Tick the box to
download GMsee how you might do on this section of the GMAT
<ImageTitle>GRE Brochure</ImageTitle>
<Description><p xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">Courses and
Tutoring for the Grprograms</p></Description>
<ImageTitle>GRE Quantitative Questions Answers and Explanations</ImageTitle>
<Description>Download the answers and exp with the correct answer. Tick
the box and click download now to start the process.</Description>
<ImageTitle>GRE Sentence Completion Practice Question Answers and Explanations</ImageTitle>
<Description><p xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">Complete the
sentence on the download now button to see how you did.</p></Description>
<ImageTitle>LSAT Brochure</ImageTitle>
<Description>Courses and Tutoring for the Law School Admission US law schools</Description>
<ImageTitle>LSAT Comparative Reading Practice Questions Answers and Explanations</ImageTitle>
<Description>Try answering the LSAT Comparative Reading and click on
download now.</Description>
<ImageTitle>LSAT Reading Comprehension Practice Questions Answers and Explanations</ImageTitle>
<Description><p xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">Read the passage
and try the questions as now Lion Practice Questions Answers
and Explanations.</p></Description>
<ImageTitle>MCAT Brochure</ImageTitle>
<Description>Courses and Tutoring for the Medical College Admission Test
<ImageTitle>MCAT Biological Sciences Practice Questions Answers and Explanations</ImageTitle>
<Description>Have you wri download now to find out how you've done.</Description>
Below is the Function for reading the XML file:
private DataSet GenerateDatasetFromXml()
string xmlFile = string.Empty;
DataSet xmlFileData = new DataSet();
string selItem = string.Empty;
xmlFile = @Server.MapPath("~/" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BrochureXml"].ToString());
string sfinalString = "";
hdnIds.Value = "";
if (File.Exists(xmlFile))
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
return xmlFileData;
I want a dropdown on top with option "GMAT", "GRE", "LSAT", "MCAT"
Right now, you could only select those items based on string-parsing the ImageTitle and finding substring in it - less than optimal...
If there's any chance at all, I'd recommend adding a tag (or whatever you want to call it) to your data, something like this:
<ImageTitle>GMAT Brochure</ImageTitle>
<Description><p xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">Classroom and Online Coursegrams.</p></Description>
That way, selecting the proper elements would be as easy a very simple XPath expression:
XmlNodeList _list = myXmlDocument.SelectNodes("//data[Type = 'GMAT']);
once you have loaded your data file into an XmlDocument (or you the Linq-to-XML way, if you prefer that).