If you have a JSON, where it has an array of customers where each customer has to have a unique customer number, how can I feed this with random numbers:
"customers": [
"customerNo": "123",
"Name": "Joe"
"customerNo": "456"
"Name": "Jane"
I thought this might work:
"customers": [
"customerNo": "${customerNo}",
"Name": "Joe"
"customerNo": "${customerNo}"
"Name": "Jane"
val customerNumber = Iterator.continually(
Map("customerNumber" -> Random.nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE))
Then by adding:
But this uses the same generated number in both cases.
The cleanest way is to pass a function, eg in Java:
StringBody(session ->
"customers": [
"customerNo": "%s",
"Name": "Joe"
"customerNo": "%s"
"Name": "Jane"
}""".formatted(Random.nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE), Random.nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE))