I want to know how can I show at the bottom of the screen a delete icon when I start dragging a Container in LongPressDraggable widget
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return GestureDetector(
onTap: () => _onTap(context),
child: LongPressDraggable(
data: index,
maxSimultaneousDrags: 1,
onDragUpdate: (details) => print('update'),
onDragStarted: () => _buildDragTarget(),
onDragEnd: (_) => print('end'),
feedback: Material(
child: Container(
height: Sizes.height / 4.5,
width: Sizes.height / 4.5,
child: _DraggableContent(
index: index,
place: place,
childWhenDragging: Container(color: Colors.transparent),
child: _DraggableContent(
index: index,
place: place,
Widget _buildDragTarget() {
return DragTarget<int>(
builder: (BuildContext context, List<int> data, List<dynamic> rejects) {
return Icon(Icons.delete);
onAcceptWithDetails: (DragTargetDetails<int> dragTargetDetails) {
print('Data: ${dragTargetDetails.data}');
print('Offset: ${dragTargetDetails.offset}');
At the moment, when I start dragging the item, anything happens and I don't know how to continue
You have an example with Dragable widget here : https://blog.logrocket.com/drag-and-drop-ui-elements-in-flutter-with-draggable-and-dragtarget/
On the DROPPING AN ITEM part https://blog.logrocket.com/drag-and-drop-ui-elements-in-flutter-with-draggable-and-dragtarget/#:~:text=the%20tomato%20image.-,Dropping%20an%20item,-At%20this%20point
You need to use the onAccept event on your DragTarget widget :
onAccept: (data) {
setState(() {
showSnackBarGlobal(context, 'Dropped successfully!');
_isDropped = true;
And on Drag starting, you can show up your delete icon by using this event (https://blog.logrocket.com/drag-and-drop-ui-elements-in-flutter-with-draggable-and-dragtarget/#:~:text=Listening%20to%20drag%20events) :
onDragStarted: () {
showSnackBarGlobal(context, 'Drag started');
I hope it will help you