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Regex to generate dynamic sql

I want to generate dynamic sql on Notepad++ based on some rules. These rules include everything, so no sql knowledge is needed, and are the following:

  1. Dynamic sql must have each single quote escaped by another single quote ( 'hello' becomes ''hello'')
  2. Each line should begin with "+@lin"
  3. If a line has only whitespace, nothing should be following the "+@lin", despite following rules
  4. Replace each \t directly following "+@lin" with "+@tab"
  5. Add " +' " after the @lin/@tab sequence
  6. Add a single quote at the end of line

So, as an example, this input:

select 1,'hello'
from        --two tabs exist after from


should become:

+@lin+'select 1,''hello'''
+@lin+'from     --two tabs exist after from'

What I have for now is the following 4 steps:

  • Replace single quote with double quotes to cover rule 1
  • Replace ^(\t*)(.*)$ with \+@lin\1\+'\2' to cover rules 2,5,6
  • Replace \t with \+@tab to cover rule 4
  • Replace (\+@tab)*\+''$ with nothing to cover rule 3

Notice that this mostly works, except for the third replacement, which replaces all tabs, and not only the ones at the beginning. I tried (?<=^\t*)\t with no success- it matches nothing.

I'm looking for a solution which satisfies the rules in as few replacement steps as possible.


  • After replacing single quotes with 2 quotes, you can do the rest in a single step:

    Not very elegant for processing multiple TABs, but it works.

    • Ctrl+H
    • Find what: ^(?:(\t)(\t)?(\t)?(\t)?(\t)?(\S.*)|\h*|(.+))$
    • Replace with: +@lin(?1+@tab+(?2@tab+)(?3@tab+)(?4@tab+)(?5@tab+)'$6')(?7+'$7')
    • CHECK Match case
    • CHECK Wrap around
    • CHECK Regular expression
    • UNCHECK . matches newline
    • Replace all


    ^       # beginning of line
        (?:     # non capture group
            (\t)    # group 1, tabulation
            (\t)?   # group 2, tabulation, optional
            (\t)?   # group 3, tabulation, optional
            (\t)?   # group 4, tabulation, optional
            (\t)?   # group 5, tabulation, optional
            (\S.*)  # group 6, a non-space character followed by 0 or more any character but newline
          |       # OR
            \h*     # 0 or more horizontal spaces
          |       # OR
            (.+)    # group 7, 1 or more any character but newline
        )       # end group
    $       # end of line


    +@lin       # literally
    (?1         # if group 1 exists
        +@tab+      # add this
        (?2@tab+)   # if group 2 exists, add a second @tab+
        (?3@tab+)   #   id
        (?4@tab+)   #   id
        (?5@tab+)   #   id
        '$6'        # content of group 6 with single quotes
    )           # endif
    (?7         # if group 7 exists
        +           # plus sign
        '$7'        # content of group 3 with single quotes
    )           # endif

    Screenshot (before):

    enter image description here

    Screenshot (after):

    enter image description here