I want to generate dynamic sql on Notepad++ based on some rules. These rules include everything, so no sql knowledge is needed, and are the following:
So, as an example, this input:
select 1,'hello'
from --two tabs exist after from
should become:
+@lin+'select 1,''hello'''
+@lin+'from --two tabs exist after from'
What I have for now is the following 4 steps:
with \+@lin\1\+'\2'
to cover rules 2,5,6\t
with \+@tab
to cover rule 4(\+@tab)*\+''$
with nothing to cover rule 3Notice that this mostly works, except for the third replacement, which replaces all tabs, and not only the ones at the beginning. I tried (?<=^\t*)\t
with no success- it matches nothing.
I'm looking for a solution which satisfies the rules in as few replacement steps as possible.
After replacing single quotes with 2 quotes, you can do the rest in a single step:
Not very elegant for processing multiple TABs, but it works.
. matches newline
^ # beginning of line
(?: # non capture group
(\t) # group 1, tabulation
(\t)? # group 2, tabulation, optional
(\t)? # group 3, tabulation, optional
(\t)? # group 4, tabulation, optional
(\t)? # group 5, tabulation, optional
(\S.*) # group 6, a non-space character followed by 0 or more any character but newline
| # OR
\h* # 0 or more horizontal spaces
| # OR
(.+) # group 7, 1 or more any character but newline
) # end group
$ # end of line
+@lin # literally
(?1 # if group 1 exists
+@tab+ # add this
(?2@tab+) # if group 2 exists, add a second @tab+
(?3@tab+) # id
(?4@tab+) # id
(?5@tab+) # id
'$6' # content of group 6 with single quotes
) # endif
(?7 # if group 7 exists
+ # plus sign
'$7' # content of group 3 with single quotes
) # endif
Screenshot (before):
Screenshot (after):