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How to keep tests outside from source directory in Vite projects?

Running npm init vue@latest with the following setup

enter image description here

generates a Vitest spec file inside the src directory. I'm wondering why Cypress e2e tests have a seperate directory and Vitest unit tests are right next to the source code. Are there any reasons?

I want to move those tests to the root directory (equal to cypress), created a vitest directory and moved to spec into it.

The test itself passes but I think I have to change sopme configuration to exclude the tests from the build etc.

Inside the file I changed the line "exclude": ["src/**/__tests__/*"], to "exclude": ["vitest"],.

Is there something else I should do? Or are there any reasons to keep Vitest tests inside the source directory?


  • To get the test folder outside the source folder :

    1. create a vitest folder on root dir
    2. move ./src/components/__tests__ to ./vitest/__tests__
    3. On test *.spec file, you will import components with alias @
    • import HelloWorld from '@/components/HelloWorld.vue'
    1. in
    • change "exclude": ["src/**/__tests__/*"], to "exclude": ["vitest/**/__tests__/*"],
    1. run npm run build && npm run test:unit

    Would you mind explaining why you keep the tests directory inside the vitest directory?

    You are not required to keep this folder. It's a convention, check below 👇

    If you want to put the spec file in the tests folder without a subfolder then just add to the vite.config.ts :

    test: {
        include: ['./vitest/**/*.{test,spec}.{js,mjs,cjs,ts,mts,cts,jsx,tsx}']

    then also adjust "exclude": ["vitest/**/*"],

    Result of yarn run test:unit

    enter image description here