When I call this File dialog it displays a nice modern dialog with OPEN + OPEN AS READONLY buttons.
How can I remove the OPEN AS READ-ONLY button feature?
OpenSaveFileDialog(editform,'','my|*.my','','Open my',FilSelez,True,False,True,True)
function OpenSaveFileDialog( Parent: TWinControl;
const DefExt,Filter,InitialDir,Title: string;
var FileName: string;
MustExist,OverwritePrompt,NoChangeDir,DoOpen: Boolean): Boolean;
var ofn: TOpenFileName;
szFile: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char;
Result := False;
FillChar(ofn, SizeOf(TOpenFileName), 0);
with ofn do
lStructSize := SizeOf(TOpenFileName);
hwndOwner := Parent.Handle;
lpstrFile := szFile;
nMaxFile := SizeOf(szFile);
if (Title <> '') then
lpstrTitle := PChar(Title);
if (InitialDir <> '') then
lpstrInitialDir := PChar(InitialDir);
StrPCopy(lpstrFile, FileName);
lpstrFilter := PChar(StringReplace(Filter, '|', #0,[rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase])+#0#0);
if DefExt <> '' then
lpstrDefExt := PChar(DefExt);
if MustExist then
ofn.Flags := ofn.Flags or OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST;
if OverwritePrompt then
ofn.Flags := ofn.Flags or OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT;
if NoChangeDir then
ofn.Flags := ofn.Flags or OFN_NOCHANGEDIR;
if DoOpen
then begin
if GetOpenFileName(ofn) then
Result := True;
FileName := StrPas(szFile);
else begin
if GetSaveFileName(ofn) then
Result := True;
FileName := StrPas(szFile);
Every time you use a new API, you always read its full documentation.
In this case, you go to the docs for the GetOpenFileName
function, and you find that it has a single parameter, a structure of type OPENFILENAME
. Hence, you go to the documentation for this structure.
At this page, you press Ctrl+F in your web browser, and search for "read only" to quickly find this passage:
A set of bit flags you can use to initialize the dialog box. When the dialog box returns, it sets these flags to indicate the user's input. This member can be a combination of the following flags.
Hides the Read Only check box.
Hence, you realise that you only need to add this flag:
ofn.Flags := ofn.Flags or OFN_HIDEREADONLY;