I'm running a Flutter application with a list of products need to be displayed.
I've an asset folders (loaded in pubspec.yaml) which contains certain of my product images.
I wan't to show the image or a placeholder if not exists
Attempt one :
Image buildImg() {
var img = `assets/img/${product.id}.png`;
return Image.asset(img);
return Image.asset('assets/img/placeholder.png');
Result: condition is always false
Attempt two :
Image buildImg() async {
var img = rootBundle.load(`assets/img/${product.id}.png`);
return Image.memory(img.buffer.asUint8List());
}catch (_){
return Image.asset('assets/img/placeholder.png');
Result: Working but a lot of warns in terminal.
Is there a better way to dynamically load assets ? Thank's
the Image widget has an error builder which is called when the provided path is not valid, simply use this code
Image.asset("image path.png" , errorBuilder: (context, error, stackTrace) => Image.asset('placeholder path.png'),),