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Robot Framework + Sauce labs can't recognize the Browser Edge name

i am running my robot framework test in Sauce labs, for chrome/firefox/safari, it is all right. but for Edge, Sauce labs can't recognize the Edge browser name.

I try to use "edge", it complain. "Misconfigured -- Unsupported OS/browser/version/device combo: OS: 'Windows 10', Browser: 'edge', Version: '97.', Device: 'unspecified' "

I try to use "MicrosoftEdge", it complains "ValueError: microsoftedge is not a supported browser."

what is the correct Edge name for Robot framework+sauce lab? my test case like the followings, Any suggestion is welcomed. Thanks.

   &{SAUCE_OPTIONS}    Create Dictionary    extendedDebugging=${True}
    ...    capturePerformance=${True}
    ...    seleniumVersion=4.0.0
    ...    name=RF_Test
    ...    build='demo'
    &{DESIRED_CAPABILITIES}    Create Dictionary
    ...    browserName=MicrosoftEdge
    ...    platform=Windows 10
    ...    browserVersion=latest
    ...    sauce:options=&{SAUCE_OPTIONS}
    ${remote_url}    Set Variable    https://sauceUserName:[email protected]:443/wd/hub
    Open Browser
    ...    browser=${DESIRED_CAPABILITIES['browserName']}
    ...    remote_url=${remote_url}
    ...    desired_capabilities=${desired_capabilities}
    # ...    options=${options}
    Sleep    5s
    Close Browser


  • I am not sure this is the Robot Framework issue or the Sauce labs issue. but I can do some trick to make the Edge work with RF+Sauce labs. the problem is happening at browser parameter in the Keyword Open Browser. if just keep this browser as default firefox, and specify "MicrosoftEdge" in the desired capabilities for sauce labs. the test will run as expected. The only bad thing for this trick is when you read RF log file, it said "Opening browser 'firefox' to base url '' through remote server at..., Actually, it is opening Edge browser.

       &{SAUCE_OPTIONS}    Create Dictionary    
        ...    name=RF_Test
        ...    build='demo'
        &{DESIRED_CAPABILITIES}    Create Dictionary
        ...    browserName=MicrosoftEdge
        ...    platform=Windows 10
        ...    browserVersion=latest
        ...    sauce:options=&{SAUCE_OPTIONS}
        ${remote_url}    Set Variable    https://sauceUserName:[email protected]:443/wd/hub
        Open Browser
        ***#...    browser=${DESIRED_CAPABILITIES['browserName']}#get rid of this parameter#***
        ...    remote_url=${remote_url}
        ...    desired_capabilities=${desired_capabilities}
        Sleep    5s
        Close Browser