Search code examples

Using pagination with the Spotify search API

I'm working on a program that pulls up random songs within a specified genre on Spotify. Each track is denoted by an random 'offset' inside the search query, per the Spotify docs here. But I'm unable to put a number higher than 999 in this (like the total number of songs marked under a genre), otherwise the request 404's.

They talk about using offset "with limit to get the next page of search results" in the docs above, but changing limit to any number 1-50 still returns the same song, it's the offset that matters.

Here's a snippet of my code where I make the final request:

random_offset = str(random.randint(0, 999))
if (int(random_offset) > total):
    random_offset = str(random.randint(1, total))
url = BASE_URL + '?q=genre%3A%22%20' + rand_genre + '%22&type=track&offset=' + random_offset + '&limit=1'
genre_results = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

genre_results_json = genre_results.json() 

Is there anything I can do to use pagination to perhaps randomly iterate through pages of results if Spotify has any, or am I limited to 1000 tracks in my query?


  • It turned out that Spotify's API just doesn't allow for more than the first 1000 results to be queried, so I stuck with using 0-999 for my program's random integers.