If I have such a code
<button onClick = {()=>{
Then when you click on the button, the counter will be updated, and the counter will already be updated in the console. But if you create a Counter component that will accept the quantity and callback, the state will be asynchronous
<Counter count = {store.count} increment = {store.increment}/>
How can I make sure that the state in the console is already updated. Without the didUpdate method and the update hook if possible
codesandbox https://codesandbox.io/s/mobx-counter-example-forked-v3qcrw?file=/src/index.js
First of all: don't use outdated library versions. Update them to latest.
Second: change observable
api to makeAutoObservable
, remove extra actions
And third: wrap every component that uses observable values into observer
HOC. In your example you wrapped Counter
, but Counter actually does not use any observable values, it only gets appState.count
as a prop which will be a primitive value when you reference it. And then you pass Counter directly to ReactDOM.render, that won't work.
I've wrapped it with App
const App = observer(() => {
return <Counter count={appState.count} increment={appState.incCounter} />;
Here is Codesandbox with working code