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STM32-HAL CAN transmits empty error message only

I'm trying to transmit messages through CAN using HAL library. For test I repeated code from the first part of this video I have the same bluepill so I just did the same. Also I've tried his project, but changing Nucleo RE to ZE model. I've looked through other sources and they all do the same thing, and in their videos/articles bus perfoms as it is supposed to.

But on all of my devices HAL_CAN_AddTxMessage produces empty (or maybe error) message

enter image description here

Theese different lines are TX on one board and RX from other transcievers.

Debugging showed me nothing wrong: function returns HAL_OK. I went step by stem through it in debug mode and everything seemed as normal. But niether loopback nor normal mode transmitts correct message.

Also I've checked my LA with MCP2515 + TJA1040 and CAN bus worked as it has to

enter image description here

So I'm confused and don't understand what I'm doing wrong.


  • The problem was in TimeQuanta settings. I had to be more considerate. I'll wrigth a more exact explanation later