I have a question about type definition.
I would like to restrict an existing type to enforce certain additional criterion. For example, I would like to construct a type for a DNA string.
A DNA strand can be seen as an arbitrary long string of characters that only contains the characters 'A', 'C', 'G', 'T' (Nucleotides). Similarly, I would define a RNA string as a string with only characters 'A', 'C', 'G', 'U' .
A RNA string can be decomposed into codons, which is a string with only three characters among the four nucleotides ('A', 'C', 'G', 'U'). Can I make a codon type, that would automatically check (e.g. at the initialisation or after a type conversion), whether the string is of length 3 and does not contain any other characters than the ones valid ?
I have attempted to use a concept type :
NucleotideSet: set[char] = {'A','C','G','U'}
Nucleotide {.explain.} = concept var a
a is char
a in {'A','C','G','U'}
RnaCodon = seq[Nucleotide]
but this experimental feature does not coerce existing type, it only checks if a type verifies some properties, but I might be mistaken.
What I want to do is to manipulate RNA strings without having to check manually that each character is indeed a Nucleotide.
With the definitions in my code above, the following fails :
echo 'A' is Nucleotide
I get a type mismatch : ''A'' is char but expected Nucleotide. What I have done wrong, in this example and how could I fix it to define a RNAstring and a codon ? My guess now is that in the concept type, a is not the type but the variable and I would probably need to write something like :
Nucleotide {.explain.} = concept var a, type T
a is T
T is char
a in {'A','C','G','U'}
but I get also a type mismatch error.
As far as you have explained the only problem you have is that you want to have a kind of variables were you are sure only a certain value is held. I'd use normal strings as a distinct type. The avoiding sql injection attacks section in the documentation explain how this could word:
When you are using the distinct types you don't even need to check of a certain element of the distinct type is a nucleotide or not, since your input validation/conversion proc already deals with that once.