When I output this below code through some other functions (sigmoid/weight functions etc). I get the output that my data 'must be one dimensional'.
The data is from a csv that is 329 X 31, I have split this as I need the first column as my 'y' value, and then the remaining 30 columns and all its rows will be my 'x'. How do I go about making this 1 dimensional for my functions?
Is this section of code where I process my data even the issue? could it be an issue from a later functional call? im new to python so im not sure what the issue could be caused by, I was wondering if I converted my data into an array correctly.
df = pd.read_csv('data.csv', header=None)
#splitting dataframe into 70/30 split
trainingdata = df.sample(frac=0.7)
testingdata = df.drop(trainingdata.index)
#splitting very first column to 'y' value
y = trainingdata.loc[:,0]
#splitting rest of columns to 'X' value
X = trainingdata.loc[:,1:]
#printing shape for testing
print(X.shape, y.shape)
if I understand your question correctly, you can flatten the array using the flatten(),
or you can use reshape()
for more information, read the documentation