I am building a wordpress plugin, and I want to apply and use a file that has the code bellow, when I check the checkbox inside the plugin's settings page.
Function I want to apply:
function greeklish_title_sanitizer($text) {
if ( !is_admin() ) return $text;
$expressions = array(
'/[αάΑΆ]/u' => 'a',
'/[βΒ]/u' => 'v',
'/[γΓ]/u' => 'g',
'/[δΔ]/u' => 'd',
'/[εέΕΈ]/u' => 'e',
'/[ζΖ]/u' => 'z',
'/[ηήΗΉ]/u' => 'i',
'/[θΘ]/u' => 'th',
'/[ιίϊΙΊΪ]/u' => 'i',
'/[κΚ]/u' => 'k',
'/[λΛ]/u' => 'l',
'/[μΜ]/u' => 'm',
'/[νΝ]/u' => 'n',
'/[ξΞ]/u' => 'x',
'/[οόΟΌ]/u' => 'o',
'/[πΠ]/u' => 'p',
'/[ρΡ]/u' => 'r',
'/[σςΣ]/u' => 's',
'/[τΤ]/u' => 't',
'/[υύϋΥΎΫ]/u' => 'y',
'/[φΦ]/iu' => 'f',
'/[χΧ]/u' => 'ch',
'/[ψΨ]/u' => 'ps',
'/[ωώ]/iu' => 'o',
'/[αΑ][ιίΙΊ]/u' => 'e',
'/[οΟΕε][ιίΙΊ]/u' => 'i',
'/[αΑ][υύΥΎ]([θΘκΚξΞπΠσςΣτTφΡχΧψΨ]|\s|$)/u' => 'af$1',
'/[αΑ][υύΥΎ]/u' => 'av',
'/[εΕ][υύΥΎ]([θΘκΚξΞπΠσςΣτTφΡχΧψΨ]|\s|$)/u' => 'ef$1',
'/[εΕ][υύΥΎ]/u' => 'ev',
'/[οΟ][υύΥΎ]/u' => 'ou',
'/(^|\s)[μΜ][πΠ]/u' => '$1b',
'/[μΜ][πΠ](\s|$)/u' => 'b$1',
'/[μΜ][πΠ]/u' => 'b',
'/[νΝ][τΤ]/u' => 'nt',
'/[τΤ][σΣ]/u' => 'ts',
'/[τΤ][ζΖ]/u' => 'tz',
'/[γΓ][γΓ]/u' => 'ng',
'/[γΓ][κΚ]/u' => 'gk',
'/[ηΗ][υΥ]([θΘκΚξΞπΠσςΣτTφΡχΧψΨ]|\s|$)/u' => 'if$1',
'/[ηΗ][υΥ]/u' => 'iu',
$text = preg_replace( array_keys($expressions), array_values($expressions), $text );
return $text;
add_filter('sanitize_title', 'greeklish_title_sanitizer', 1);
My plugin's main
Plugin Name: random permalink converter
Description: This is my custom Plugin!
Author: Jordan Piperkata
Version: 1.0.0
Tested up to: 5.9
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) or die;
function gpc_add_settings_page() {
add_options_page( 'GRPC', 'randomPermalinksConverter', 'manage_options', 'random-permalink-converter', 'gpc_render_plugin_settings_page' );
'gpc_settings', // settings group name
'homepage_text', // option name
'sanitize_text_field' // sanitization function
'some_settings_section_id', // section ID
'', // title (if needed)
'', // callback function (if needed)
'random-permalink-converter' // page slug
'Homepage text',
'text_field_html', // function which prints the field
'random-permalink-converter', // page slug
'some_settings_section_id', // section ID
'label_for' => 'homepage_text',
'class' => 'gpc-class', // for <tr> element
add_action( 'admin_menu', 'gpc_add_settings_page' );
function gpc_render_plugin_settings_page() {
echo '<div class="wrap">
<h1>random Permalink Converter Settings Page</h1>
<form method="post" action="options.php">';
settings_fields( 'gpc_settings' ); // settings group name
do_settings_sections( 'random-permalink-converter' ); // just a page slug
echo '</form></div>';
function text_field_html(){
$text = get_option( 'homepage_text' );
if ( $text == 'on' ) {
'<input type="checkbox" id="homepage_text" name="homepage_text" checked="checked" />',
esc_attr( $text )
echo 'Toggle is: '.$text;
} else {
'<input type="checkbox" id="homepage_text" name="homepage_text" />',
esc_attr( $text )
echo 'Toggle is: Off';
function permalink_set(){
add_filter('sanitize_title', 'random_title_sanitizer', 1);
1): I use this basic piece of code in my main file, to create a custom plugin settings page.
2): I have a function named text_field_html
that creates a checkbox, and I Want when the checkbox is checked to apply the filter of the function's file
. But including the file after the if
that checks if the checkbox is checked doesn't work, because this plugin is supposed to echo a string. While if I simply use the function's code
in the main
file directly, it works fine but of course without the checkbox being checked first.
What am I doing wrong here? Or perhaps how can I call this type of add_filter
functions of wordpress and keep them active when I check the checkbox in the setting's page and save?
Thanks in advance for your time!
I hope I understand what you mean. Yo should check the option homepage_text
and to add the filter.
add_action('init', 'permalink_set');
function permalink_set(){
if (get_option( 'homepage_text' ) == 'on'){
add_filter('sanitize_title', 'random_title_sanitizer', 1);